

Amber Art in TaiWan

October 5, 2014 EstherArts Amber in Taiwan

Oct. 5 2014, in Hsinchu of TaiWan, Esther Art Amber Paintings are presented in a very unique manner by using the ancient material of amber. This authentic material is sourced and produced in Ukraine. These artists have taken pieces that are well-known to the public and have put a different spin on them. They have reinterpreted these gorgeous images and filled them with this ancient material.

Esther Arts works in collaboration with an artist's guild in Ukraine with the desire to produce this unique interpretation on these art classics. Esther Arts is delighted to bring amber painting to the TaiWan.We believe that our artwork is not only pleasing to the eye but also has so much meaning, beyond what the artist intended.


The Time Capsule

Time Capsule -- Amber special exhibitions

We held the first time amber exhibition in TaiWan.The exhibition displayed 500 hundreds of amber collection, including treasured insect amber,such as frogs insect amber, manti insect amber.The exhibition made a big splash in TaiWan.Because of visitors are too much during show, the exhibition had to be extended.After the exhibition, Taiwan Museum made Amber Museum Exhibition as permanent exhibition.



EstherArts sponsored an exhibition in Pasadena library with a collection of amber paintings made by Ukraine artists in March, 2015.Ukraine amber Painting present in a very unique manner by using the ancient material of amber. This authentic material is sourced and produced in Ukraine. They have reinterpreted these gorgeous images and filled them with this ancient material. However, this is done in a painstaking manner, making sure to match each piece with the colors in the painting.

cerritos library

Cerritos Library

April 2015 EstherArts Amber in Cerritos